It is natural for all cats to shed as it is the process of losing dead hair. Shedding relies on many factors such as the environment of the cat and whether it is an indoor or outdoor cat…. Read More >
The Best Ways to Calm Your Cat
Just like humans, cats can be victims to negative feelings like anxiety, stress, and fear. When this happens, cats act out and behave strangely. Being in this state is very discomforting to a cat, so it’s best to… Read More >
All About Cat Kidney Problems
Just like us, our cats can get serious health problems. One of the things that can go wrong is that your cat can develop kidney problems. You should know the signs, watch out for causes, know what to… Read More >
Why Do Cats Purr?
As cat parents, we love being treated to the gentle rumble of our cat’s purr. We relish in the joyful fact she feels happy and relaxed enough to purr and that we help her feel that way. While… Read More >
Why You Shouldn’t Declaw Your Cat
Declawing your cat is unfortunately still common in the US. The procedure is illegal in many countries because it’s considered inhumane. So why is it still almost a routine procedure when someone gets a new cat? Most people… Read More >
What to Look for In a Rescue Shelter
You have decided to add a family pet to your home. You rule out the need to spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars to get a purebred. You have also been inundated with the ads on TV showing… Read More >